Your customers want simple pricing and packaging options to make the buying process easy, but they also need more flexible models that fit their changing needs and deliver more value over time.

When was the last time you changed your pricing model to suit your customers?

Is it flexible enough to keep up with these changing market demands?

Join Zuora and Simon-Kucher to dive into these topics and learn how to develop an evolving pricing journey to better meet customer needs and drive subscriber and revenue growth.

In this webinar, you'll learn:

  • How to design pricing and packaging to fit customer segments and needs.
  • How to achieve balance between packaging simplicity and flexibility, without compromising on price.
  • A framework for planning and optimizing your own pricing and packaging. 

Watch it on demand today!


Mark Billiage

Managing Partner 
Simon-Kucher & Partners 

Brendan Walsh

Director, UK 

Watch it now!